k9 Transport
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K9 Transport Equipment & Vehicle Inserts

ActiveDogs is one of the industry leaders in K9 Transport systems. As the manufacture we strive to innovate, and produce the best containment systems on the market while only using the highest quality materials. We carry a variety of Transport inserts for Chevy Tahoe, Dodge Charger, and Ford Interceptor. Our equipment ensures your Police K9, Military, or Professional K9 Training dog can ride along securely.

It takes special courage, bravery, and discipline to work in law enforcement, and the same goes for the inspiring dogs that help police officers on the job each day. You may have heard of one or two common responsibilities that police dogs, or K9 dogs, perform. However, K9 dogs contribute more to their law enforcement teams than most people realize. 

From the moment they begin their training, K9 dogs have a duty to aid their handlers while also keeping their human counterparts safe from harm. Police dogs put themselves in harm’s way to apprehend suspects or rescue victims of accidents. Their keen senses of smell help law enforcement to detect substances or other evidence in a way that their human counterparts can’t. K9 dogs contribute a great deal to law enforcement teams of all kinds.